As you know, Mr. HCB keeps me abreast of what is happening in the garden, even if I don’t do much out there now and last night he told me about the beautiful yellow flag irises that were near the blue irises in one of our “holding” beds.  

These were a gift from our friend, Lillieth, a couple of years ago and we put them in this particular bed to ensure they had taken, after which we intended putting them into our main bed the following year.  This didn’t actually happen, but Mr. HCB is threatening to do it for next Spring.  There are about three flowering with more buds to come, so we will watch these with interest.  There is even some pareidolia for those interested.  

My first meal cooked in the air fryer wasn’t too bad - the peppered chicken breast turned out very well and was very tender and the roast potatoes were a great success.  However, although the carrots were fine, the same cannot be said about the broccoli, which was rather darker than I would have wished and was extremely crunchy - ah well, it is a learning curve but perhaps I should have boiled it after all!

Thank you for all your comments, stars and hearts for yesterday’s Blip and I apologise for not commenting yesterday, but we were out at our Church Meeting in the evening from just after 7 o’clock and didn’t get home until 10.45!  Some very serious business was discussed, hence the lateness of the hour and bed called as soon as we walked in the door.

I thought I might do a series of Rare and Weird Phobias for a while - here’s the first:

Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth

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