Capital adventures

By marchmont

Mountain in the city

Had to open the Velux last night. The summer duvet needs to go on. Got to the back door to get the bike and realised it was drizzling so a drive to the pool, which was very quiet. I even talked football with D.

Olivia has a phone watch so via an app I can speak to her. There was a long story about her v snail pet. Eventually I set off for the 'Big Shop'. Spent far too long in IKEA and then it was Sainsbury's and finally Pets at Home for the first purchase of cat food for 6 months..

The weather has improved to spent the afternoon in the garden trying to plant there too many plants I'd bought before heading to WPR for visit 2. I also tripped and fell. Nothing broken, just a skinned knee.

Popped in to the Manor and then some more planting of pots. Far too many. 

Another seat in the evening sun with a G&T and a call to J. Plans are afoot and looks like I'll be in France in July. 

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