Pointing the way

We walked across the Green this afternoon for the first time in a long time. It was a delight to see the tall grasses swaying in the breeze, full of glorious yellow buttercups. The cow parsley is still out around the edges of the Green, and the hawthorns which are dotted around were still in blossom. I would love it if the Green was left unmown throughout the whole summer, with just the paths that criss cross it kept mown, so that we can enjoy the wild flowers as we walk across it.

Other than that, it’s been a day of housework, getting ready for a visit tomorrow evening from our eldest son and our eldest granddaughter, who will be coming to stay the night with us after they’ve been to the London Dungeon. (Rather them than me.) They will be joined tomorrow night by our son’s partner, who will be in London for a business meeting, so we’ll have all three of them here on Wednesday night. My granddaughter has already WhatsApped me with her culinary requests, consisting of her favourite lemon cake and also some Nutty Joys, the gingery oaty biscuits I make …!

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