Catching the Light

It’s a better day today - thank goodness. And thank you so much for your kindness yesterday. 

It’s another Liverpool appointment - dermatology, so therefore ongoing treatment rather than ‘investigations’. My ‘old’ consultant has retired, and as her replacement is off ill, I’m seen by a lovely young registrar who’s probably younger than my sons - a little disconcerting. But here’s the thing - he actually spends most of the consultation just taking about me and how I’m coping mentally, physically and emotionally. There’s always a strong focus here in this department on just how these illnesses impact in your quality of life, but today it’s taken to another level - and it’s exactly what I need. 

We look at pain management - pain is limiting me so much right now - and he prescribes both slow release low-dose morphine and the ‘break through’ pain liquid variety for when I need it. I’ve had both before, so I’ve no concerns about addiction, just grateful as I’m sure they’ll make a difference. He asks whether I feel antidepressants would help  - something I’ve never had, but would consider as I feel so low. But I decide to try a month with better pain management before reviewing my emotional well-being once more. I feel so much better having had the chance to talk, and knowing I’ve got something to resort to when the pain gets bad is liberating. 

G and I even manage lunch in a country pub on our return trip, sitting outside enjoying the warm sunshine (complete with my trusty ‘go-everywhere’ cushion so I can sit down!)

So as for blip ….. well, I’ll probably do a catch up for now with stars rather than comments, and will drop in and out as the mood takes me over the next few weeks. Generally - as you will be aware - it’s photography that keeps me going, and I enjoy the writing element as well. But at times, it’s just too much - so there may just be a photo with no words, and comments may be fewer ……. and that’s all fine, I know. 

Today’s blip is of the tiny backlit bellflowers or campanula growing on our wall which catch my eye just as we arrive home. 

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