Same Branch - Different Bird!

This greenfinch was singing its heart out and that's why I went looking for it. 
It was sitting on Herrn Amsels favourite branch on top of a tree in front of the linden tree.
Herr Amsel (a blackbird) sits there almost every evening. Funny!

Have to say that it's easier blipping a black bird in all the green than blipping a green bird in it. My first look always goes to this branch and that's why I spotted it right away.

Edit: Check this - and this! Almost unbelievable! Same branch!

Great news from the Kranichwoog: Met our mayor before 6 am on the train this morning (him going on holiday, me going to work) and he said that over the Pentecost weekend two(!) baby water buffalos were born. Nobody knew! Have to go check on them as soon as possible. How can two cows pregnancies have been unnoticed? I read  the gestation period is 333 days for them - 11 months! There are carers for them, one of our local farmers and his wife. Perhaps they knew and didn't tell anybody?

19:50; 24°C

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