
Dragged myself through packing, final cleaning and bed making and managed to get to A&N’s bang on the time I needed to join the Teams meeting…phew! Brief one but very positive and I think that committee is going to work well and be useful.
Chatted to A&N over some tasty bacon rolls then started the long drive south, listening to Demon Copperhead all the way. I’m finding it generally absorbing, with good writing making even the grim conditions of his life into something compelling, so a good companion on an otherwise dull drive.
Stopped at S’s to drop off her Orkney clothes and had a cuddle with Billie the (grown!) kitten in her cute post-operative vest.
Arrived at T&Kt’s and whilst T made our (huge!) dinner I chatted to Kt about her Rome visit, new horse adventures, dog training and my e-bike. Was repeating the story about the lost keys and she commented that the key for the battery is the same as the one for the ring lock…ie I haven’t lost it after all! Good grief….all that agony and searching for it! Still a memory fail though….I hadn’t remembered that it was the same one and the instruction photo looked like a different one. Sigh!
Is cool and cloudy down here…it had better improve!
We all felt in need of a relatively early night…..

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