
By Livresse


First day in Seattle. Found the station and bought a ticket for tomorrow, then tried to find a Sim card. After trying a few shops, I was directed to Target. There, I talked to a young shop assistant who told me that I had to buy a cheap sim card and then buy a plan online. So i bought the sim card, then tried to register it and buy the data, using the shop's wifi. It turned out that I needed a US address - so used the accomodation we are staying in. Then my card didn't work because, of course it is linked to a different address in the UK... As I was getting increasingly frustrated, SparseRunner turned up! He was on a break from the conference and was directed to Target to get a Sim card... We both tried several possible solutions but nothing worked, so i guess I'll have to make do without data..
After that, I visited the Pike market, which was fun but overpriced. Then went to the Central Library (pictured) - a lovely building, well stocked. There, I relaxed a bit, read a graphic novel, and tried to download my ticket to get back to my accomodation... and my phone died. Great! No bus ticket, and more importantly, no code to get in - it's a keypad system and I had the code saved on my phone. In the end, it worked out okay. The bus driver was cool and let me in, and as I arrived at the appointment, the owner was there and gave me the code - phew! I was imagining myself waiting for SparseRunner and И on the porch.
Once inside, I failed to connect to the wifi... It transpired that the owner had switched it off because he was painting the apartment downstairs - cue more frustration. SparseRunner and И were later than expected so I was keen to be connected in case they had sent me a message. 
All was sorted by the time they arrived - they'd just been via the shop to buy some beer - and we had a lovely evening. First watching the sunset from the balcony (extra), then we went to a local Japanese restaurant, and celebrated И's birthday (which is 1st June, but it was midnight in Bulgaria) .

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