Nick Note, my little car, is now in at the garage ready for the air con to be sorted, which means I may be able to get out and about next week - yeah!!

I've been working on my church project and have actually started a photobook.  Not sure whether I will print it or not, depends how much it costs but I will probably try.   Funnily enough it coincides with June's EDPS project which is all about Photobooks.  It has given me ideas of others.  These will be totally personal to me and will probably only be shown to my nearrest and dearest because, let's face it. who else would be interested.

I may put all the church postcads I've made into some form of photobook too as I would like to see it  like that for the future.

This is my entry for Flower Friday with many grateful thanks to BikerBear for hosting.

That's all for now, do take care and stay safe and I wil see you all tomorrow

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