Blue Flags

Early start today to get to the hospital for an appointment with physio Lauren. Much of the session was taken up with providing background information.

She says the exercises I currently have for my leg are to enable movement. She's going to send me exercise sheets with strengthening exercises. I shall attend the four week gym class starting 3rd July. Lauren leaves Loughborough on 30th June. Typical.

As we drove back to Shepshed, the blanket of cloud that has hovered over us all week, broke up to reveal brilliant sunshine. It was even warmer although the northeasterly breeze kept temperatures down.

Bacon butty at Finkins and a chat to the fishmongers, who had Dover Sole on their slabs, and Marie, the cheese lady. I've ordered some Hebridean Blue and am going to take her a piece once it arrives. She was delighted to learn that she could order direct from the farmer.

The flags were beautifully backlit. I really should have got my Fuji out to take a decent photo.

Two hedgehogs in the garden tonight. Excellent.

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