
By pensionspoet

Bunting Up

I am really pleased with how it looks - not very easy to get a decent photo, but if you visit me I'll give you a guided tour :-)

Work was OK. I'm feeling tired and menopausal today. Everything aches and my head is foggy. So it was good to finish.

After work I drove over to the vets in Cromer, with Ralph yowling the whole way in the cage. He has a really bad sore patch on his neck. I'm sure it is due to mites or fleas but decided I had left it long enough and it wasn't healing on its own. £118 later he has had a dose of flea stuff (should last 3 months) and 2 injections to stop the itching and treat the infection.

Made pizzas with Mollie and now I'm sitting down to watch Wednesday's Sewing Bee.

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