
I enjoyed a quiet morning and early afternoon at home, starting with a longish lie. Once I got up I did my new conditioning routine (following a return visit to the physio earlier in the week) and then some Gaelic study. 

After lunch I read in the garden for a bit and then went down to the The Town Hall to help at a Community Fair aimed at letting people know about the different groups which are active in the town. I rather enjoyed myself - although I was mainly chatting to fellow volunteers from different groups.  T was also helping, albeit later in the evening and on a different stall. 

I also stopped off in Mountain Warehouse on way over to town hall to have a look at Changing Robes and Dry Robes as I have decided that June is the month in which I take the plunge.  Now trying to decided which to plump for - the changing robes were lighter but perhaps only suited for summer months; the dry robes were heavy but would provide warmth on cooler days. 

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