Chasing Chasers

In the middle of a sunny half-term North Wales madness, Sychnant can be relied upon to provide a peaceful retreat. And so it is today. 

No ponies today - it’s probably too hot - but later they may make their way down to the lake to drink. The air is full of birdsong, our Merlin app allowing us to hear subtle layers of sounds we’ve never been aware of previously. Stonechats, yes - we see them flitting skittishly from stick to stick - but there are redstarts, wrens and warblers that we can’t see, and now we’re learning to identify their calls. 

I’m hoping for some dragonflies around the lake, but the usual slender damsels and emperors are missing. Instead it’s chasers that I spot - the first time that I’ve seen them here. At first, it’s just the pale blue males I see, but then I spot a female.  I’ve never seen a yellow one before, and at first mistake it for some large misshapen wasplike creature. Closer inspection makes clear my error, its intricate wings unmistakeable as it hovers erratically by the lake bank. 

And so this pair that form today’s blip - though  I’m unsure which I prefer. 
Edit: having read your comments, it’s clear the blue male’s the most popular, so I’ve changed my main. Ironically, it was initially my first choice! 
(better large on black, if you have time) 

Thanks so much for your response to yesterday’s ducklings! 

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