
By Schoenies

Angry cloud

My fascination with clouds continues... Today was another perfect day until this afternoon when the weather changed to windy and cold. This photo of the sunset shows the weather pattern perfectly. I read today that the rainfall we had last month was the highest in May since 1939!  Thank goodness for this as our dam levels have increased from 11% to 23%....the drought continues but day zero has been pushed back by a couple of months. 
It's been a quiet Saturday, how lovely!!
My task of joining knitted squares for a blanket is a frustrating one, and I don't think it's very neat. Maybe the dogs will get the blanket!
Special news is that a very dear friend who was diagnosed with dementia a couple of years ago, and couldn't do anything for herself - she had two full time carers -has had a remarkable recovery. Hubby T gave her his latest book when they visited us yesterday and this evening she phoned and had a long conversation about the book, and how she had enjoyed her visit with us. She is on a drug regime which seems to be working.
Have a good weekend all.

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