One million mile cleanup

BearstedCAN (Climate Action Network) organised a litter pick in the village to support the One Million Mile Cleanup sponsored by Surfers against Sewage.

Some twenty of us gathered on the village green for instructions before setting off on our routes. Wearing yellow hi viz jackets marked us out as doing something “official” which prompt many people to stop and talk and say thank you.

We hope this will become a regular event and enhance the work already done by another voluntary group. We found two examples of fly tipping which we reported to the Borough Council.

One site, on private land, is owned by an estate agents and has been an eyesore for many years. The owners graciously allowed us on their land to try and make a dent in the rubbish. However, it’s their responsibility and perhaps we may have embarrassed them into taking responsibility for their land.

You may remember that the KESR hosted the launch of Plastic Free Tenterden at the end of April. Bearsted has also joined the movement and the two groups are talking.

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