Just Joey

I’ve had another day of very low energy; it's either a pesky virus or my intermittent arthritis that is having a field day with me at the moment and making me feel quite discombobulated. All I’ve really managed today is to do some ironing this morning, have a short nap after lunch and then late this afternoon I did some light dead heading of the roses and some watering. I was just putting the tools away when I heard a familiar sound of little girls giggling excitedly, which was quickly followed by the sight of my two youngest granddaughters bursting into the garden, full of beans. 

The family had been for a long walk in the woods and the girls were ravenous. Mummy disappeared for a quick nap after a very broken night, and Granny was firmly instructed by Grandpa to have a sit down as well, while he conjured up a dish of chicken supreme, rice and peas for us all. That is, after he’d fed the girls with their requested fish fingers and beans. He’s an absolute treasure and I’m a wet week, except that I did manage just before they left to produce a personalised birthday card for a four year old boy for our youngest granddaughter to take to a party tomorrow, so maybe I redeemed myself.

After they’d gone I grabbed this shot of a Just Joey rose in our front garden before collapsing on the sofa. Smithers is clearing up and loading the dishwasher and I’m banned from the kitchen. As I said, he’s an absolute treasure.

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