Silly enough?

Didn’t have the best sleep and the early morning walk was a little challenging as my foot is pretty much all black and blue and was quite stiff. However we managed and after breakfast and time to make a couple of squares on my temperature blanket I headed off to the supermarket whilst Lr PHL took the boys to Roslin Glen.

The afternoon was a repeat of yesterday, lying in the garden in the sunshine. I did manage to get a couple of loads of washing done and dried on the line. I will need to get on with some ironing soon.

Mr PHL is two weeks in to watching what he eats. He’s using an app to document what he eats and is sticking to it pretty well. So far he’s lost just over 7lb and it’s encouraging me to eat more healthily too.

Tonight we had a Pinch of Nom recipe - Philly cheesesteak and whilst it didn’t sound like it would work, it was delicious and filling.

Whilst driving home from the supermarket I spotted some football fans at the side of the road dressed in costumes but I wasn’t able to stop so instead you have these garden gnomes which I think were also blipped by Ingeborg recently. Thanks to 60plus for hosting SillySaturday in honour of Admirer.

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