The shining hour

As the sun lowers in the sky, these, already bright, roses grow even brighter till they almost glow. Beyond them are pink escallonia and blue irises. I had a walk round the garden this evening, which after a day of mostly sleep, has made me feel a lot better. After one sleep, early afternoon, I woke from a long and complicated nightmare, to a migraine aura. Took a Migraleve immediately, which made for only a light headache. 

Thanks for all the 'get well' messages on my delayed Silly Saturday blip. Much appreciated. We are on the mend now, and I've been brave or foolish enough to nibble a couple of Arrowroot biscuits. (So hard to find in supermarkets these days; I've broached my last emergency packet.) First, they doubled in price. Next, they disappeared. Fingers crossed McVities haven't stopped making them.

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