The Guard

The day began dull for a change, though it gradually got brighter and by mid-afternoon was a hot as ever! Might get away without watering tonight, or at least apart from some more important pots. 

Didn't feel so bad working inside this morning though I would have been happier if it had rained! I printed out a few of my KOB posters then the colour ran out and the logo was half black and white. I decided to walk down town after lunch to buy a new cartridge so Mrs M asked me to buy a paper while I was down. I duly walked down, bought a paper and completely forgot what else I was supposed to be buying and eventually came home where I realised what I'd forgotten! 

I'd arranged to meet fellow Blipper annejohn who was in Oban for a couple of days, so we sat up at McCaig's Tower for a while for a blether. On my way home I met neighbouring puss Elmo, though he still refuses to acknowledge me, though he had let me stroke him while I was talking to his owners the other day. 

Once home I drove down to Tesco to buy a new printer cartridge only to find that they no longer sold them! The lady I spoke to said I'd be lucky to find one anywhere in the town, but I tried our office supplies shop only to find that they were closed! So I got stuck in the rush hour traffic and eventually got home cartridge-less! Grrr!

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