
It’s a long time since I’ve had a holiday where we’ve not only had such good weather but there’s been this lovely confidence of waking to sunshine every day. It’s so relaxing to just revel in it…
So, today we started off with breakfast at the Pink Goat in Corfe Castle which was delicious but left us both completely stuffed afterwards! Went to another open art studio, this time the work of a collection of artists in a barn, two or three of whose work we liked. From there we drove to Durdle Door and after some queueing for parking tickets we walked down to the spectacular bay (extra). It’s a steep slog and it felt busy but nothing like as busy as I imagine it is in school holidays. There were a couple of school groups doing field trips measuring the beach and huddled in groups eating their packed lunches, and people swimming through the arch whilst others paddled in the clear sea and waves as they crashed onto the beach. We walked along the beach away from everyone (not hard…I’m always surprised how people cluster around the entrance to a beach) and explored the chalk face of the cliffs and the myriad tiny pebbles in the shingle…no shells to be seen.
Wandered back and puffed our way up the steps (all new since I was last here) and path to the car, then drove round to Lulworth Cove. We enjoyed a drink in a pub beer garden, soaking up the warmth but sitting in the shade for a while and chatting about J&A and their family and others we’ve known for so long. Down to see the cove, and we spotted that you could get rides round on a rib boat to see the archway at Durdle Door from the sea. Decided to give it a go and we had a great time….enough bounce on the waves for it to be good fun but not scary and fabulous to see the coastline, cliffs, caves and arches from a different angle. In this view of the arch you can see why the fishermen here think it looks like a dragon drinking, with even its eye in the right place on its head…can you see it?!
Laughed as we bounced and splashed our way back (extra) then enjoyed delicious chocolate and espresso gelati before heading home. Stopped at a wee Spar shop to pick up some things for supper then home to slump. Almost guilty that we came indoors whilst it was still lovely and warm outside but we’d been out and about since 9am so I think we’d had our fair fill of sunshine!

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