A member of my Ramblers put a post on the Facebook group yesterday advertising a local performance by the Mikron Theatre Company. It sounded good so I joined her at the Clock Warehouse in Shardlow this lunchtime. 

We got there early to get a good seat and so we could have lunch before the performance began. It was very hot, but bearable after I'd taken the parasol from another (empty) table, and I got through three pints of squash while watching.

The performance was broadly about the founding and development of the RSPB, with lots of asides touching on global warming, the discharge of sewage into waterways, grouse shooting... you get the picture!

The cast of four were multi talented, all could sing as well as act, and they all played at least one instrument with the two young women playing trumpet, clarinet and saxophone.

There was no entrance charge, you were asked for a donation at the end and were given quite specific guidance as to what was a reasonable amount. I donated a bit more, they were worth it.

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