
A great long sleep in for me this morning, the up to start into the curtain project. Or at least fitting the tracks. As usual, longer than expected.

In the afternoon we had our monthly kids environmental group meeting. It was great. We wandered down to the local stream and measured the:
* River flow speed - not too fast, not too slow
* Water acidity - 6.5-7.5 PH is good
* Water conductivity - low is good, the more "stuff" in the water the more conductive, and stuff ain't good
* Water temperature - Seems around 10-15 C is good
* Water clarity - well that easy, the more the better

Combine all those to get a gauge on the health of the river. Ours was OK, but not great

We measured the river speed form this bridge and dropped things in, then timed them, then did a complex calculation (for 7 year olds) to get the speed.

Fun stuff ;-)

Slightly different image for me. Simply upped the black level, the sky stayed the same colour interestingly. Unusual but interesting.

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