
By Marginellaman


Looks good BIG

In recent years, two thirds of pollinating species in the UK including bumblebees and butterflies have suffered a decline. Across the world there has also been 'colony collapse disorder' where a population of honeybees abruptly disappears. Studies have shown that bees exposed to neonicotinoid insecticides suffer neurological damage, but research has been criticised for using higher doses than many believe exist in the wild. These insecticides are used on plants such as maize and seed rape. The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) abstained on an EU vote last month to call for a moratorium on their use. Hardly a show of support for the protection of bees which do an essential job of providing a free pollinating service for our fruit and vegetable industries. It has been worked out that it would cost £1.8 billion to replace insect pollination with hand pollination annually, so it would seem that Defra are being extraordinarily complacent.

Despite two days of almost continuous heavy rain I did manage to find one honeybee tucking into the pollen on my chives. Hope I see more in the days ahead.

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