Hotter and hotter

Some 'office work' this morning, then down to Dunollie after lunch. The car thermometer was registering 36 when we set off, but soon cooled down to 30! 

Spent a couple of hours in the Dunollie Garden, checking the new plants and photographing any shrubs in flower for the database. We're not going to attempt any planting until the weather cools down and we get some rain. Today's Blip was taken through a window in the ruins of Dunollie Castle - you can see the War Memorial in the centre.

There were thunderstorms forecast for this afternoon, but nothing came of it. I've just looked again - now they're saying thunderstorms from 5.25 (that's the time now) until 7pm, then rain at 8pm. Wish they could make their minds up!

At 6.30 we KOB folk are meeting with some councillors down at the High School woodland. Will anything come of it? Who knows.

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