A Day In The Life

By Irish59

Open Sesame

An open window always draws attention in our house. Here’s Newt, left, and Ducky, sharing a sill. Ducky typically doesn’t like being this close to Newt but most rules have exceptions and an open window is too good to pass up! Newt is able to leap directly from the floor but Ducky prefers the assistance of a chair, his version of the two-step :) • After goofing around for most of the morning we settled down and took advantage of dry skies this afternoon. We added a few more herbs and annual flowers to the “cat box”, replanted the scarlet runner beans, and planted a whole bunch of scallions. Despite light showers overnight everything in the garden was dry • The highlight of the day: while standing on the deck a doe and fawn came up along the house. As soon as she saw us she bolted for the woods. The fawn actually ran towards us, confused at first, but eventually sprinted in the direction of Mom. Precious! The sighting explained “who” ate the sunflowers, borage and broccoli, plus taste-tested a few perennials two days ago…

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