Cyn daw'r glaw

Cyn daw'r glaw ~ Before the rain comes

I never have taken a picture I’ve intended. They’re always better or worse.
― Diane Arbus

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Heddiw, roeddwn i'n ceisio torri mwy o'r malurion coeden, ei roi mewn bwcedi, a'u orchuddio gyda tharpolin - cyn daw'r glaw.  Bydd y glaw yn croesawu ond dydw i ddim eisiau delio gyda llawer o dail gwlyb os rydw i'n gallu ei osgoi.

Mae'r llun heddiw dim ond amlygiad dwbl o'r malurion a'r ardd. Yn gobeithio bydda i'n gweithio ar rywbeth gwahanol yn fuan.

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Today, I was trying to cut more of the tree debris, put it in buckets, and cover them with a tarpaulin - before the rain comes. The rain will be welcome but I don't want to deal with a lot of wet leaves if I can avoid it.

Today's photo is just a double exposure of the debris and the garden. Hopefully I'll be working on something different soon.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Malurion gardd, amlygiad dwbl
Description (English): Garden debris, double exposure

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