
By Winsford

Silver Lining

Being in Pitlochry rather than Edinburgh meant I was able to go out with the walking group. There were 10 of us today and we made our way to Loch Skiach, which is one of my favourites. 

We saw lots of interesting flora and between us fauna.  The car I was in spotted a red squirrel when were driving to start point, someone else spotted an otter in the loch (I was especially sorry to miss that as I've never seen one in the wild) and others saw an osprey.  We also saw interesting butterflies and moths ( including pearl bordered fritillaries and a chimney sweeper moth). The flowers included this which I think is a type of  Drosera (or sundew). 

It was really nice being out on the moors but I did feel slightly stiff afterwards. Stretching helped and in a happy coincidence I also had an appointment at the physio. 

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