Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Life is too short!

A fairly quiet day today, my first highlight being a visit to the WGH for wrist physio. I've now been signed off but can reactivate my treatment within the next three months if I feel I need it. The wrist movement is pretty good now, I could just do without the pain when I forget and do something I shouldn't.
I walked home via Telford Road and was just crossing the cycle path when I spotted the subjects of my blip on an elder by the side of the pavement. Lady bird larvae in case you didn't recognise them. They are in the process, over the next week or so of consuming many times their body weight in aphids. They'll then go into a chrysalis form for up to another week and emerge as bright yellow ladybirds. They'll change colour to the usual red/black very quickly as their wing cases dry out.
Colin laughed when I took them home, at the idea that while ambling up a busy main road I could spot something so tiny. The largest is around 2-3mm long! I have introduced them to the greenfly on my roses in the front garden.
We're having an early dinner of spag bol in the garden tonight as the weather may well change tomorrow - typical, our church bbq is on Sunday. After dinner, online bridge for the first time in ages.
Hope the weather is good with you, enjoy the sunshine!

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