
By Jamjar

I washed my hair in the kitchen.... it's many years since I've had to do that. Then I drove to Burton to collect three packs of flooring... yes I know, but if it saves Dale and Ben time then I don't mind, I draw the line at laying it though!

After they'd got it out of my car I made them a drink and went for a little walk. 

First of all to Tescos to use their toilets.
Then along the road to check out the physio place that opened a few months ago. I'll try them next time something's hurting, my old physio is too far away now I've moved.
Next I saw these roses peering above the hedge alongside the park - gorgeous but too high to smell!
Further along I had a chat with a man who was gardening, but he didn't know what the plant in extras was called. Anyone know?
I was almost home by then and walked past the newsagents, then doubled back and treated myself to a Magnum :-) Why not!
I think I might like a rose in my back garden...

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