
By Dibsie

Double dose of technology

All better today, top notch and all that, so no more grumbles from me.

Back to the normal routine today, weird having one day at work and now it's back to the weekend. I keep having to tell myself it's Friday, my head is all over the place! Especially as Matt and I did our Thursday routine of having dinner round his mum and dads then our food shop.

Now though we have settled in for the evening in front of the telly. We've watched Sarah Millican's show and have now started watching Chatty Man - Friday nights all about the comedy. Have a feeling Matts off to bed soon, so may stick The OC on, my guilty pleasure :oD Only just started watching it (See I told you i'm always behind on TV Series!) and lovin it for just not having to think too much while I knit away.

Talking about TV series, has anyone been watching The Fall!? We watched the 3rd episode last night and woooow is it creepy.

Have a good weekend everyone, it's meant to be sunny!!

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