
By GiselaClaire


I travelled south to Khan Younis refugee camp to interview someone for Wednesday's narrative. As I arrived at the Khan Younis branch office, this young boy walked past carrying the yellow flag of Fatah.

Since 2007, after Hamas took control of the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian leadership has been divided between Hamas in Gaza and Fatah in the West Bank.

Of course, this plays into the hands of Israel. As an inspiring South African human rights lawyer, Max Boqwara, said when he visited us last September, the most effective thing an occupier can do is to divide the people they are occupying.

After the war in November, there was something of a détente and the prospect of reconciliation seemed more likely than ever before. The night of the ceasefire, for the first time, I saw flags from every faction being waved. The night Palestine was finally recognised as a state by the UN, Fatah flags were everywhere. Many families now have their flags hanging above their homes.

However, unfortunately, efforts at reconciliation seem to have stalled, to the detriment of the Palestinian people.

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