
By schorschi

Purple rain

Given the repeated tragedy in Oklahama, anything I write is whinging. But for the record:
We are still on warning level "purple" , the highest and it's in place through Sunday. At 4:00am this morning, the situation was very critical but it suddenly stopped raining and I could eventually get a bit of shut eye on the sofa. At 10:00am it started again and by late afternoon again got critical. This evening the firebrigade are filling sandbags in the village in anticipation.
Altghough it could again be critical tonight, I think we should be OK. If we had any thunderstorm downpours it would be a different matter. I haven't yet felt the need to pump up the inflatable or test the outboard!

The view is of the fields near the house. The stream that runs through it would not normally be seen. "Stream" is an exageration, it's a trickle. The house is in the photo but not visible.

Angie was in Olching near Munich all day for her step-mother Jani's 70th birthday but I of course had to stay. She had a good time & just got home in time to see her FC Bayern play in the German Football Cup Final in Berlin against Stuttgart. Bayern just went 3-0 up and will now have the triple. Well at least someone is happy.

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