
By missjatravers

something completely different

... from revising is recovering my dining chairs!!!

Here they are all finished and looking totally new and rejuvenated and ALL MINE!
Went to Stafford St this morning which is liverpool's equivalent rag trade type place.. to this fab shop called Abakahn which was two huge floors of like every kind of fabric you can imagine... Bob ( a customer at work) and my friend Kat had both recommended it to me which was handy cos you'd never find it by accident! and today I thought right I'm going to actually go there to choose my chair fabric. & here they are .. as you can see I couldn't decide on one so thought it would be cool to have two and two ! ( was going to go for a rather funky pattern but then thought hang on these are going to be your dining chairs for a long time .. so have gone for a fabric I wont get tired of!)

So here it is .. the end of a very nice day off, a creative type project completed , watched the Derby ... ( I need an online account as I thought that Ruler of the World looked the pick of the paddock.. but didn't have the energy to walk to the bookies! Honest!! )
Now time for some dinner on my new improved dining chairs and a chill out evening ready to start revising for the practical exam tomorrow!!

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