Scattered Polaroids

By sp

Said goodbye to our little Airbnb, then headed to town for some breakfast. I had some amazing French toast with all sorts of good stuff.

Had a bit more time to kill before our coaches so we hit a couple of shops, found this actually vintage photo booth (actually as in the pictures come out still slightly tacky from the fixer).

My coach was supposed to be an hour earlier than Pose’s so we said goodbye and she headed off to find a coffee - just before they announced that mine would be an hour delayed. I went to find her and we managed to hit pretty much the last place on the list that we hadn’t managed to do. We both bought some sweet treats for our travels, then back to the bus station to say goodbye again.

We both had slightly horrible journeys, Pose ended up back to Reading about 3 hours late. I was (only) about 2 hours late, so not bad! Matt and I got a takeaway when I finally made it home.

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