Let There Be Light

By solli

Simple Gifts

Spring burst upon us but we've been in a heat wave, 94 degrees with humidity for the past few days. I went to Lenape very early in the morning while it was still cool with hope of seeing the Bluebirds grab their breakfast. I found a huge turtle bathing in the sun and since all the mosquitoes in the area found me, I cut my excursion short to go buy bug repellant.

I returned to the park again, this time armed with deet and my hopes of spotting the Bluebirds. The day had become swelteringly brutal; all the smart people had gone down the shore and there wasn't a car in the gravel parking lot. I decided to park in a tire rutted grassy area on the side of a small building within the shade of a large tree. After about an hour of shooting the barn swallows, the male Bluebird lit on a branch about 30 feet out and I was able to get four blurred pictures before he flew away. I spent another forty minutes waiting and waiting. No Bluebirds.

I was standing outside my car holding the camera when the police pulled up. The driver rolled down his window to shout "Move your car. You need to park on the parking lot."

Oh really? I need to park in the blazing sun? Don't you have something better to do like go find some criminals? I cussed him a blue streak (I was horribly sweaty hot and irritable) and was dutifully backing up the car when I spotted the Bluebird.

He was perched on the reserved parking sign.

It's a joyous laugh out loud moment when all things connect. Sweet blessings of the universe, the cop was right. I really did need to park in the parking lot!

I shot a few pictures from inside the car when Bluebird obligingly flew to another post right in line with my passenger window. He was very curious about my lens and proceeded to sing me a song. I sang a song too, the one about simple gifts.

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