Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Turning Twenty-Eight

Okay now I really feel like I’m getting old. Looking back at all my previous birthdays and how young I looked is slightly frightening. I don’t know if I’ve said this before but I was made to be older. I didn’t come out wanting to stay up, clubbing and being crazy. I literally was made to go to bed at 9 with an earl grey and a blanket!

This year has been a bit of a rollercoaster to be honest. Croatia last October was amazing and such a magical experience of places I’ve never been but the flight there was one of the hardest I’d done in a while so that was a bit pants.

In the new year, Lee lost his job and it was a bit rubbish and it was all feeling a bit smelly. But we turned a corner when he passed his driving test and we got our beloved Jazz. Honestly having a car has been the single most thrilling experience. So many adventures that would normally be absolutely impossible!

Personally, I too have had some internal struggles but let me bring in some cheeriness, I have laughed an awful lot this year. The absolute MISCHIEF and nonsense me & lee and mainly my mum have been up to has been most hilarious and enjoyable.

I’ve learned a lot about 27.

And as I was writing this I was telling Lee my reflections on the year and the wee struggles, and he reminded me of how it’s been the best year! We went on holiday twice! Once being to the Norwegian Fjords which has been a bucket list thing, we’ve had so many adventures and so many good times. This weekend me and lee are in Llandudno which is somewhere I’ve loved for a very long time. I’ve not been back for 10 years so to visit it again is very special to me.

So maybe 27 hasn’t been that bad.

Happy birthday to me x

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