Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Mixed day

Slow start, a bit overcast to start with but then improved as the day went on.

Oscar not wanting to get up this morning, he is showing his age (14.5 years), he has heart failure and is coughing quite a bit at the moment which wears him out). He looked like he could do with a duvet day x

Hubby managed to book a spot at the dump to dispose of some wood - our decking is showing signs of wear and tear and rotting in places. The idea is to take out the bad parts and replace rather than completely new decking, so it’s a plan with slow progress (hubby busy at work at the moment).

Loaded up the trailer with the wood and went to the dump. Not being used to driving with a trailer, some difficulties getting in the right position - hubby managed it eventually (its not helped by him not being able to see the trailer, so needs to work on some visual reference).

After lunch, we both worked on things on the computer, mine catching up on my lace group admin and hubby on his hobby (electronics).

Watched a film tonight - Detective Knight, Rogue - probably give a 6/10 rating, it’s the first of a trilogy, so we are going to see what the next ones like.


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