Running .....

..... on the moor.

Firstly thank you to everyone for your kind and thoughtful words on yesterday's blip, they are all very much appreciated.

This evening after work I've been on an enjoyable run up on the moor with DrMackem, Mr M and his dog Eban. Myself, Mr M and Eban ran from the valley up to the Cow & Calf where we met the Dr before carrying on our run on the moor.

Running conditions were perfect this afternoon and despite not being as fit as I should be at the moment I really enjoyed it. We ran from the Cow and Calf rocks, over backstone beck and then followed the path up to the twelve apostles ( a stone circle ) where we stopped to take in the lovely views that stretch for many tens of miles on such a clear day.

From the Twelve apostles we ran to the trig point marking the highest part of the moor and then on to the masts at Keighley gate ( where I took this blip of DrMackem running ahead ) stopping to read one of the Stanza Stones poems. The curlews are nesting on the moor and made it clear that we were not welcome running anywhere near their nests by flying around above our heads and making a lot of noise.

Eban enjoyed the run and finding all the boggy parts of the moor to wade through before cooling off in a stream at the end of the run. In total we were out for two hours door to door with plenty of running and breaks to take in the beautiful surroundings and views. Thanks to DrMackem and Mr M for a great run, we'll have to do it again soon.

I've added a few more photos from this evening HERE, so today's blip is .....

..... Running on the moor.

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