12 months!!!!

Finally the last pic of this collection, it's been getting very hard to take these pics. Getting Caleb to lay down and stay still is not an easy task. This one took me and mark and lots of different toys and this is the best I got!!! It would of been nice to carry it on for as long as possible but it's not worth the tears and frustration and thats just me :)

A 12 month update:
He now has 7 teeth
Can say dad, Erin, mumma, cat, what's that, there, yep, no, ta and bye.
Crawls at the speed of light
Coast like a pro
Walks a fair distance all by himself
Gives great kisses
Can wave good bye
Can sign milk

It's been a fantastic year as a family of four and I wouldnt want it any other way.
I love that my babies have a fantastic bond even at this young age, you can tell they actually love each other and miss the other one when they aren't there.

I can't wait for the future, and my babies growing and learning more and more xxx

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