
By RaspberryJefe

Skinny Chalk Art

The annual Chalk Art festival is on this weekend in downtown Denver. At least three blocks are blocked off (pardon the pun) to allow space for the art. Huge crowds in attendance today because the weather was gorgeous and it was Sunday and people are fascinated with the talented artists.

I need to point out that Colorado is one of the least obese states in the union; locals have many tricks to achieve this including mountain climbing, hiking, cycling, skiing and standing in front of large convex mirrors.

Chalk art on the pavement is often extremely well done, but it cannot be rolled up, taken home and framed. When the traffic and the rain return, it disappears in a hurry. A rather temporal form of art. Maybe most art is like this.

It was hard for the photographer to avoid being in the photo; he's wearing a yellow shirt today.

Ya gotta go large to get the full effect.

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