A Day In The Life

By Irish59


We were surprised to see some of our hens and chickens growing tall, then something really unexpected happened, they flowered!! Apparently these are called roosters and signal the end of the plant’s life cycle but don’t despair, new rosettes will form and grow into more chicks and hens :) • I got out early this morning to take a few photos and fill bird feeders before the rain started. The air was noticeably heavy and drizzly. There were even tornado watches posted for areas south and west of us. A very unusual occurrence • The kitchen was calling so I made blueberry muffins for breakfast and currently have cupcakes in the oven baking. All vegan, of course. I wish they were also calorie free but alas more steps will be needed in the near future :) • Hope you’re enjoying your Sunday, and cheering on your favorite Wimbledon finalist!

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