Waiting for Jonny

By yearofhappy

Cone And The Barbarian

The gardens here are lovely but I am struggle to smell and touch and fully appreciate it
.I  still in some kind of dissacocation/depersonlisatiom stage but the staff promise me it will pass and its from the triple trauma and loss of triple anchors.

It's not full fugue state as I can remember bits but there is a lot I have needed people to fillinn.

Also new meds give me hiccups which is amusing as sounds like I have been doing jack Daniels with tequila on the rocks.
I need to keep the faith and visits from Martin  and Jenny have helped. 

Look after your selves and if you ever see anyone see anyone struggling,  please help them, this mind stuff is barbaric and terrifying. I am blessed I had a friend and a GP who got me here. 

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