Striding Out

A and I assured Wilsden Walker she would be OK wearing her walking sandals on the route we did today - we really believed all the mud and bogs would have dried up - not the case.

At one point we discovered we couldn't get through a stile because of the depth of the mud - so resorted to climbing a wall to get into the next field.

This was somewhat foolish on my part - I got stuck on the top of it - then after landing in the field - discovered it contained cattle - not my favourite thing to walk by.

A couple of miles later came across another field of cattle - who were happily walking along the footpath - this was too much for me - had to climb to the top of the field to avoid them - but managed to take this shot.

Hard to blip when you're trembling - but that's the effect most lifestock has on me.

See WilsdenWalker

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