
By Marionb

With a Little Help From..

an editing app!

In the absence of exciting and blip-worthy things happening, I fell back on waterlilies today for a photo ...but it needed a little work..lots of little bugs on the pads and the bloom detracted from their innate beauty..but are now nicely camouflaged! (wish it was that easy for selfies! Would be nice to have a wrinkle eraser! ) 

It was the perfect day for lounging on the dock and having a few swims off it. I thought it was time to take this lounging thing more seriously so dragged an actual "lounger" from the guest cabin deck down to the dock.. Oh the joy of being able to snooze whilst in the great outdoors...

It was a whole day to visitors, no guests for lots of time to read..

My daughter and SIL have returned home again and I won't see them again until our next cottage block. My brother, however, is nearby so I am not without company if I should feel the need...he is always happy to come over for a visit. 

I am reminded now that there are only two more cottage blocks left for me this season - Yikes...I cannot believe how fast a summer can pass! I had better make good use of the time that remains...

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