
By Schoenies

National monument

Today was cloudy and cold with dramatic clouds. I went down to the Sacramento restaurant to buy ice creams for lunch but the vendor wasn't there - the weather probably kept her away. But luckily I had taken my camera and could use one of the lenses I have just had repaired. We watched the Open today which was good as always.
The canon, one of many salvaged in 1977 has an interesting history "'Sometimes called the 'miracle cannon' because of the mint condition in which it was found, the cannon salvaged from the wreck of the Sacramento, a Portuguese man o' war that ran aground just outside  Port Elizabeth in June 1647 on her maiden voyage, rests at the top of the cliffs at Schoenmakerskop just above where she was wrecked.
Seventy survivors set off to walk to a port in Mozambique where they hope to find a ship to take them home.

The distance they planned to cover was 1 400 km and the crew only started out 10 days after the wreck. Needless to say, by the time they reached Mozambique, few had survived. They did, however, meet up with another group of survivors en route from the wreck of the Atalaya, who accompanied them to Lourenco Marques (Maputo)."'

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