Kerstin's photojourney

By kerstinsphotos

Still wet outside....

.... but right now not coming from above - believe me - here in the south east of Germany we have a real problem. Thankfully Munich isnt in trouble but cities like Passau, Regensburg and Rosenheim - all these cities are flooded. I cannot imagine how people do feel when they have lost everything they had - all memories - imagine the water is in your house - in your living room - in all your cupboards, wardrobes, in your kitchen - and everything is wet and damaged. So I think we are moaning and groaning on a high level - for sure the weather isnt like it should be in spring/early summer but when I see and hear about this people I am just thankful I am not in trouble.

snapped my cam a few minutes ago to take this blip - the leave of my roses I have in my garden and normally this time the blossoms would have shown up a little - nothing in sight right now. So I am happy that - at least - the leaves are there :)))

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