
By Lsquare

The End Is In Sight!

But we are not there yet.......   At FBC this morning as we gathered to join our hearts and voices in praise and worship to God, we are still in Central Texas in the middle of summer heat with temperatures rising over 100 degrees for the forecast future and we are still digging into Daniel.  We started our service with the lovely harmonies of our ladies' group, Sweet Assurance, as they blessed us with two songs with the welcome from Pastor Wes sandwiched in between.  After their second song, the congregation joined them in corporate worship as we prepared our hearts and minds for more of Daniel at the end of Chapter 11.  He reminded us that no matter how things may look in our day, that God Who was sovereign in Daniel's chaotic world, is still sovereign in our world. He is still on His throne working out His ultimate purpose.  That doesn't necessarily guarantee that we will have an easy life of health, wealth and all that we think we need to be happy.  In fact, it will probably be quite the opposite in the end times.  God does not save us for our happiness, but because He wants to have a personal relationship with all of us-----on His terms, not ours.  He will give those who belong to Him and trust Him insight and understanding that will give us the strength to stand for what is right, though all around us may try to dissuade us and tell us that we are the ones who are wrong.  He will also give us the strength to act when we encounter evil and wrong because He has brought each of us through our lives and all we have been through for such a time as this.  We were not made to fit into this world, but we are re-made to stand out and point others to Jesus because He is our only way to salvation.  Pastor Wes has a lot more to say about the details and it is very encouraging and worth your time to watch the Live-stream, so I urge you to watch or listen and be inspired as I was.  At the end of our service, we recognized Carrie Roddy for 25 years of service in our many areas of childcare.  I am not sure of her title, but she is in charge of our Wee Ones program and many other areas of childcare and so many events could not happen without her dedicated work.  Thank you,Carrie Roddy for all you have done over these 25 years and all you continue to do to help us minister to the youngest ones who come to our church!  We have one more chapter of Daniel to go!........ 

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