That Will Do!

By flumgummery

Weak Bridge

We were down in Peebles this morning but chose to return home by exploring a different route, south of the town. Joining the Bonnington Road we passed a sign warning of a 'Weak Bridge 4 miles ahead, 7.5T mwm'. Now, we just love a bridge, especially one of fragile rustic stone held together with iron straps rendering it 'weak' so duly counted down the miles.

This road took us through delightful rural scenery, over cattle grids, avoiding sheep, looking out for the 'lambs that jump up from nowhere' according to signs (by now they were too old for jumping, and had developed a little road sense), noting the emergence of purple heather, passing the occasional picnic spot suitable for weather rather better than the drizzle we were driving through to a further notice of the weak bridge ahead. Excitement mounted, phone ready for photos and we arrived.

This is the bridge, spanning the Manor Water at Kirkton Manor. A few patches of rust did not appear to render the bridge 'weak' though we did not stop to examine beneath, we gently drove across. Thus we ended not far to the west of Peebles, covering something of a circular route.

No matter, the rest of the trip was equally interesting, though more familiar - through the Lyne Valley to Romanno Bridge and West Linton to the A702 home for a very late lunch.

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