
By Wildwood


Despite having to get up in the night numerous times, I managed a pretty good night's sleep and felt a bit more compos mentis than I did yesterday. We met Neville and Ruta and the girls at Trail House after our session with Kathy, and talked for two hours! Ruta opened a new restaurant, Ruta's Fresh Indian Fare in Milwaukee Wisconsin. We had an interesting conversation about cultural diversity of which, they said there is little to none there. 'And nobody has dark hair' said Ruta. 'Everybody is blond(e)! 

An introduction to a little biography says this, 'Ruta Kahate recently moved her family from Goa, India to Milkauwee, Wisconsin....While living in Goa, she and her husband built an organic farm, opened and ran 6 cafes and raised their daughters' And delightful girls they are, too. once in Milwaukee, they opened a cafe, purchased and moved into a new house, and Ruta wrote a third cookbook! Lola painted designs of Indian spices on the walls of the restaurant and a stand of streletzias, which are very common in Goa, on the front of the serving counter. I want her to do that for me, but we don't have any walls....

How lucky we are that they are coming tomorrow night to cook dinner. I asked Ruta if she was sick of cooking, but before she could answer, the girls said they would do it! We'll barbecue some chicken and her delicious lamb chops. The girls said they would do the rest. Will is coming so that we can 'formally' introduce them as they have been like ships passing in the night so far. We were going to introduce them on Saturday night, but owing to the joys of modern travel, their plane was delayed and it took them three hours to get their rental car. They didn't get to Dana and Jim's until 1am!

My 'one day at a time' mantra is serving me well...perhaps even modified to 'one hour at a time'! It's the only way to keep up with this small whirlwind!

My picture today is a little enamel teapot and cups that Dana brought from Argentina, nicely backlit on the kitchen windowsill.

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