
By Marionb

Another Day...

..another Emergency Blip....

The days have become rather busy with appointments, canceled appointments, the re-booking of appointments and juggling house and garden tasks around re-booked appointments... all in the hope of being able to head back to the cottage next week feeling comfortable that things at home are under control... which they are not at present! 

Today's hair appointment was canceled and re-booked for later this week (more juggling now required), but lunch with friends went on as planned and a good time was had by all..... except of course, that I forgot to take photos! 

So, as I was dropping off my car to have its windshield replaced tomorrow, I realized once again that I did not have a blip and as the evening did not look promising for a more picturesque photo than this, here it friendly neighbourhood repair shop.. Whoopee. 

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