Three Clubs and the Truth

Today was a day of problem solving. I love problem solving. There's *always* a way. However tricky something seems, with the right approach, time and patience, it's solvable (I'm talking realistic here - let's not get silly. I'm not talking about jumping to Mars).

And for me the challenge is the thing. When I get a difficult problem I like to think of ways it *can* be done, rather than reasons it can't.

But today was one of those where you know there's a problem, and it could be one of a hundred things, but the only way to find out is to test each one of those hundred things until the error disappears. You might get it right first time by pure luck, or maybe a bit later... or in my case, the last test. The hundredth.

So it really felt like a wasted day when we're so busy, and I was mentally exhausted by the end of it.

We went for a wander round Yeadon Tarn. Saw an evil duck. But as walks go it was largely unsatisfying so we went to the moor to see the sun set. It was very bright (like duh.....) - no ribbons of colour or slivers of cloud, but I enjoyed watching a chap have a leisurely game of golf, just three clubs and the truth, while the sun warmed his back.

We all have our ways to unwind :o)

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